Whistling (also known as feedback) occurs when amplified sound returns to the microphone and is re-amplified. This is normal for all microphones, not just microphones in hearing aids.
Whistling sometimes happens when an object (your hand, hat, person, etc.) comes close to your ear while wearing the hearing aids. It can also be a sign that something could be wrong with your hearing aids, or they need to be cleaned. Don't worry if you experience feedback, there's often an easy solution that you can do yourself at home.
In this article, we'll discuss:
- General troubleshooting tips
- Troubleshooting tips for BTE hearing aids
- Troubleshooting tips for ITE hearing aids
If your hearing aid is making a whistling/squealing sound, try these general troubleshooting tips:
- Most hearing aids whistle when not inserted properly into the ear canal. Try reinserting the hearing aid so it fits better.
- Lower the volume.
- Clean your ear canal with an ear rinse kit or by a professional.
For behind-the-ear (BTE) models:
- Wax or debris can cause whistling. Clean the tubing and tip, and replace these parts if they appear worn. See information on cleaning and replacing parts.
- If whistling occurs when raising the volume, you may need more gain and should try our closed ComfortTIP. Please contact customer support.
For in-the-ear (ITE) models:
- Wax or debris can cause whistling. Clean the dome and wax guard. Replace these parts if they appear worn. See information on cleaning and replacing parts.
- Try a larger dome, as you may need a better seal in the ear canal.
Please see the Troubleshooting section of your User Manual for more information. If you are still having difficulty, please contact customer support.